3rd year PHD student Evander Ramos works on tensile testing while in Suveen Nigel Mathaudhu’s lab on December 11, 2019.  (UCR/Stan Lim)

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups Toolkit

How to establish your own affinity group at UCR 



  1. Learn more about employee resource, advocacy and affinity groups via UCnet Campus Affinity Group Informationpage

  2. Participants in UCR’s Chancellor's Making Excellence Inclusive (MEI) Program: Staff and Faculty Diversity Certification have written a white paper on the value of Affinity groups in the workplace and how to start a group. You may benefit from some ideas here

  3. Select a user friendly group name (we encourage you to keep in mind a catchy acronym)*

  4. An image or photo you would like to include on your webpage* 

  5. Consider creating a organizational mission or vision statement*  

  6. Select group leader(s) and/or structure and provide contact information for any leaders* (We encourage co-chairs if your group includes both faculty and staff for equity consideration)   

  7. If you have regular meeting times, please share the location and frequency*

  8. Contact information email address for group leader for those interested in joining the affinity group, or if you would like to request a group email address, please submit a ticket to ITS (for a shared email address)* 

  9. Any other information you would like us to post on your webpage 

*Please submit this information to Megan Rush, megan.rush@ucr.edu, for your webpage



  • One possible funding source to consider is creating a pre-tax employee deduction contribution. Human Resources (HR) can assist in that establishment.

  • Seek co-sponsorship from various campus units, such as HR, Advancement/Alumni Relations, Staff Assembly, etc.

  • Fundraising activities

  • Consider sharing events on UCR Events (under activities → submit event) and the DEI Office Instagram