2025 Preparation & Guidance
2025 Preparation & Guidance
On December 10, 2024, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in partnership with w/Campus Partners held a virtual post-election town hall, providing the campus community with an opportunity to learn of developments, systemwide efforts, share thoughts and concerns, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions about how election outcomes may impact our campus climate and broader community.
The town hall was moderated by:
Mariam Lam, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Below are campus partners that were involved:
Office of Governmental & Community Relations
Office of International Affairs
Office of Legal Affairs
Undocumented Student Programs
LGBT Resource Center
HSI Committee
AANAPISI Committee
The discussion focused on:
Fostering a well-informed and inclusive campus community.
Exploring strategies for long-term civic engagement and collective support
Below are resources and questions shared during the virtual post-election town hall:
Office of Governmental and Community Relations:
The Office of Governmental and Community Relations bridges UC Riverside with all levels of government and diverse civic organizations, advocating for public higher education to empower the California Dream and shape a brighter tomorrow.
Office of Legal Affairs:
The Office of Legal Affairs provides counsel and legal advice to the Chancellor and his cabinet as well as to the senior leadership at UCR. We do not represent individual faculty, staff or students.
The Office of Legal Affairs provides legal advice and assistance on a wide range of matters affecting faculty, students and staff. Such matters include labor and employment, educational affairs, research, health affairs, technology transfer, privacy and information practices, land use, procurement, dispute resolution, compliance and regulations and policies of The Regents.
lorena.penaloza@ucr.edu 7-2228 and kristen.erving@ucr.edu 7-5983
UC Legal immigrant center:
The UC Immigrant Legal Services Center currently serves nine out of 10 UC campuses, including UC Riverside. The Center is headquartered at the UC Davis School of Law. However, UCR’s immigration attorney is stationed at UCR’s campus. The Center provides immigration-related legal representation at no cost to:
Undocumented and Immigrant students currently enrolled in the UC system.
Immediate family members* of any UC student, including students who come from a mixed-status family.
*Immediate family members include spouses, parents, siblings, and children.
Note: The UC Immigrant Legal Service Center only provides immigration assistance to enrolled UC students and their immediate family members.
To book an appointment: https://outlook.office365.com/book/UCImmigrantLegalServicesCenteratUCR@ucdavis365.onmicrosoft.com/
https://ucimm.law.ucdavis.edu/ ; https://ucimm.law.ucdavis.edu/book-appointment
Undocumented Student Programs:
Undocumented Student Programs (USP) welcomes all DREAMers, those students who are from mixed-status families and who are undocu allies! No matter your immigration status or cultural background, you have equal opportunity at UCR. You will have access to student success resources and will receive a quality education in a safe and friendly environment.
We are here to support you in every way!
Check out our services and resources:
Academic, housing, financial aid, and study abroad resources
CA Dream Act and DACA assistance
Textbooks and calculators from the USP Lending Library
Leadership opportunities
Undocu Ally training
Grad school planning
usp@ucr.edu; sonia.garcia@ucr.edu
UCR LGBT Resource Center:
Established in 1993, the LGBT Resource Center provides support, education, and advocacy regarding sexual orientation and gender identity/expression for the UC Riverside community.
Director Nancy Tubbs (she/her) nancy.tubbs@ucr.edu and Asst. Director Deejay Brown (they/them) deejay.brown@ucr.edu provide leadership within the LGBTRC and we both serve on the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on LGBTQ+ Students, Faculty & Staff.
We affirm that our campus community members are living at the intersections of experiences, so that one person may be impacted by multiple concerns (e.g. UndocuQueers). We will continue to address the whole person across communities.
Please visit our web site for more information on our services and programs.
Note that community care of all members of our campus, including students, staff, and faculty, is a priority. For example, we are bringing back in Winter Quarter a meditation circle space (organized by faculty Dr. Ivan Aguirre) to meet in the LGBTRC space some Thursday evenings, adding to existing & ongoing spaces specifically for UCR students.
Web: out.ucr.edu | Instagram: @ucrlgbtrc
UCR Office of International Affairs:
The International Affairs Office serves the UCR community by:
- Supporting UCR’s students and scholars in their personal, professional, and academic growth.
- Helping UC Riverside students find, apply to, fund, and make the most out of international study and internship experiences.
- Assisting students and scholars from other nations in navigating regulations, administrative matters, and cultural adjustment.
- Facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas through curating relationships with other research institutions in key regions around the world.
- Raising UC Riverside’s international profile as an inclusive, world-class research community.
Email Our Teams:
International Student Team: internationalstudents@ucr.edu
International Scholar Team: internationalscholars@ucr.edu
Education Abroad Team: educationabroad@ucr.edu
Vice Provost of International Affairs: vpia@ucr.edu
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):
Please call the CAPS front desk at 951-827-5531, option 2 for all scheduling needs (virtual or in-person).
To speak to a 24/7 Crisis Counselor immediately, please call 951-UCR-TALK or 951-827-5531, option 1.
UCR Office of the Ombuds:
The Ombuds Office strives to “humanize the UCR campus, making it a viable and responsible institution of people”
We do so by:
Empowering members of the UCR community who consult confidentially with us to navigate through thorny UCR-related concerns.
Impartially facilitating dialogue, mediation and other informal collaborative group processes.
Providing useful educational resources and workshops on such topics as conflict engagement, communication, fairness, and ethics.
Offering practical, independent recommendations to administrators at all levels of the university in order to catalyze positive systemic change and to promote fair and equitable processes.
The UCR Ombuds Office operates in accordance with our Charter Agreement and other professional standards.
Andrew Larratt-Smith, ombuds@ucr.edu, http://ombuds.ucr.edu, (951) 827-3213.
Questions and answers shared in the chat/ during the town hall:
Q: The question is essentially: now that Trump won [the election], which actions should we expect affecting non-US scholars and people from LGBTQ, for instance?
A: We are closely monitoring President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed plans and policies. We are not certain what will actually happen until January 20, 2025 when President-elect Trump is sworn into office.
Q: How could student leaders be involved in community care spaces?
A: Getting the word out to fellow students; connecting students to spaces; speaking up on behalf of students who feel they cannot be visible or vocal.
Q: Where can students find information on immigration support?
A: https://oag.ca.gov/publications#immigration
Q: I have a question regarding UCPD, but it might be a little early in the process. In the conversations with UCOP and UCPD, have there been any talks from UCOP for individual actions from UCPD officers, on or off duty, particularly against immigrant or lgbtq UC community members.
Q: Is there a list of actions/recommended strategies/programs that faculty members can join to help students?
A: Following this town hall, ODEI will post resources shared during the call .
A follow-up town hall is scheduled for Monday, January 27, 2025, 12-1:30pm, one week after the inauguration—stay tuned for the announcement!
For more information, contact the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Tasha Hudson at tasha.hudson@ucr.edu.