MEI Sample Project: LEAD
Cultivating a Community of Respect
Leaders for Equity, Advocacy and Diversity (LEAD)
Under the overall theme of “cultivating a community of respect,” our group was one of two teams challenged with conceiving actions that can be successfully implemented at UCR at the departmental level to enhance the climate for diversity and inclusion. Our group, self-named Team 2 (Climate), completed a literature and study review, examined model “ambassador-like” programs in the University of California system, and interviewed key stakeholders in developing a volunteer-based program named Leaders for Equity, Advocacy and Diversity (LEAD). The program described in this white paper is proposed as an extension of the role of the Associate Vice Chancellor (AVC) for Diversity and Inclusion to promote a “university environment that values differences among its members, fostering communication across groups, and leading strategic initiatives.” LEAD Ambassadors will provide a vital communication link at the department level, convene local activities that strengthen diversity, equity and advocacy, and comprise an advisory council to the AVC to share best practices and alert her to climate-related matters. The proposed LEAD program is deliberately designed to be implemented at very modest cost with a reasonable level of responsibility expected of the volunteer ambassadors. We believe these features, as described below, comprise a potentially valuable adjunct to UCR’s impressive portfolio of programs and services that enrich the campus environment for diversity, equity and inclusion.
Project Team:
Ana Coria, Chicano Student Programs
Alisha French, CHASS, Human Resources
John Medinilla, Office of the Ombuds
Kristen Roberts, Career Services Center
Kathy Barton, School of Medicine